Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tootin my own horn

So as I'm taking the elevator up to my floor at work, I check my email. I have a LinkedIn request from some guy named Tom Bouthillet. Nothing weird here, I get requests from people I don't know quite a bit. There is a personal message, however, that states he is going to blog about me today.

Wha? Well, that sounds a bit ominous.

I reach my desk, and open up my email and click on his LinkedIn profile.

This guy is legit. He works in Hilton Head as a Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic and is an avid blogger/social media user in health care.

I accept his request, and proceed to open up our hospital Facebook.

He had already linked to HIS blog post about ME on OUR Facebook.

A complete and wonderful surprise.

His blog post is about how social media is stepping in where traditional media, such as newspapers, radio and television is failing.

He also talked about what a good job he thinks I'm doing.

Wow. It was really nice to see.

Made my day.

To see our hospital blog, go here. For our Facebook, go here. And for our Twitter, go here.

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