Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Bad, The Good

I saw the movie Whiteout.

Trash. Waste. Bummed me out.

The first three minutes are extreme close-ups devoted to watching Kate Beckinsale undress and shower. In a cheesy,9th grader kinda way. Not stylistic at all. So, that kinda set the tone, and it never did get good.

Didn't stay to see the was so bad. Walked out at the 65 minute mark. Snuck in to see the end of 9. That looked good.

SPOILER: It's not a horror movie. It's about a Russian cargo plane that crashed during the Cold War and it had some kind of nuclear weapon on board that the government is looking for. Yup. Just a mystery, a killer, snow, and Tom Skerrit.

Now, I like Tom Skerrit a lot. I could watch that craggy old face recite the dictionary. Too bad he got talked into making this movie.

In one scene, Kate's left pinky and ring finger are frostbit, and Tom has to remove them before they get gangrenous. Do they show him snapping off the fingers? NO. You just hear the sound. I think I paid good money for some special effects...but no, all we get is sound.


I feel I must redeem myself by talking up one of my FAVORITE movies.

Reprise, is a wonderful little Norwegian film about two good friends who are aspiring writers that submit their manuscripts on the same day. They both get published, but one friend fares better than the other.

Not to give too much away, the movie is an examination of friendship, learning to live up to your own expectations and not others, and finding your way.

It's got a great soundtrack, interesting filming and audio techniques and it's unformulaic.

I just #1'd it in my Netflix queue. If you're looking for a treat, do the same.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on the movie...wasn't sure if it was scary, or if they were trying to trick me "lol" great blog, I will be back to visit!


MaggieJoon said...

Thatnks for the review...I was trying to pick between seeing this tonight or "My One and Only." Definitely going with the latter now!