Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Difficult...

-when my window of opportunity starts to fog up.

-dealing with ignorance - much more so than stubbornness.

-going against my nature. It's unnatural.

-deciding to "lay down and roll over" rather than fight for what's right.

-to walk away when all I want to do is throw down and let loose.

-coming home to just a dog. A great dog, but a dog nonetheless.

-being separated from someone you love.

-realizing the mistakes you made cannot be rectified with a mulligan.

-admitting that I don't like the Cardinals, Ted Drewes and Imos Pizza when I'm surrounded by diehards.

-to resist the urge to start playing Christmas music before Halloween.

-to resist the urge to get two videos at the Red Box.

-to keep my office clean. I am a piler, through and through.

-to not want fries with that.

-let go of and not repeat the past, because some things are just so darn good I think I'll never have them again. I will.

-to accept that most people will remember the negative things you do/say rather than the positive things.

-to realize that high school never really ends - life is a continuation of that mindset, depending on who you're dealing with.

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