Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's a conundrum

Wrapped in an enigma.

The less personal time I have, the more apt I am to dedicate time to writing on my blog.

The more personal time I have, the more I ignore it.

So, because I am taking time to write tonight, this means that my classes have started up again.

I am counseling 22 students this semester. Actually, only in the next 8 weeks. They have to meet with me for 6 hours each. So, let's break this down for fun insanity's sake:

6 x 22 = 132 hours
132 hours/8 weeks = 16 hours a week

Jeebus. That's hardcore, on top of 2 classes, running two 12-hour therapy groups, work, running, biking and having a social life. Oh, and squeezing family in there as well.

Reading this makes me want to crawl under a rock.

The good news? I will be finished with my counseling hours, my groups, and one of my classes as of October 25th. Woot.

The even better news? I am scheduling a week-long vacation in November...it's been over a year since I've done so, and it's going to be worth the wait. Destination TBD, but I have some ideas.

Look for more blog posts to come - I've got some good stuff cookin', you won't want to miss out.

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