Sunday, August 8, 2010

Movie Review - The Road

I'd read and heard reviews of this movie from various friends, most of whom I trust. The general consensus was that it dragged, was a bit dark, and the ending blew.

Well, I think quite the opposite. It was dark, but in a good way. Kind of spooky also, what with the cannibalism, hiding, and bodies in the basement.

The short of it is, a man and his young and tender son are making their way to the coast, and the country (earth?) has fallen into a sort of apocalypse. Nothing grows, there are frequent earthquakes, fires, and ash/dust everywhere. Not sure how this all came to be - in the first scene the world seems to be on fire outside of the main characters house, why it's this way isn't really explained. The man and the son encounter bad people along the way, difficult and life threatening situations, and there are multiple flashbacks as to how they came to be a team of two (aka, where is the mother).

The end is what I'm wondering about.

Spoiler - if you don't want to know, stop reading.

So, the dad dies, the boy who is very frail of mind is left to fend for his own. The man and family who invite him to join them, well, they creeped me out.

All I kept thinking was, they are going to eat him.

Yup. Every minor character throughout the movie had the same effect on me, but not in such a major way.

The woman, the way she caressed his cheek, gave me the heebies. I felt like she was the witch in Hansel and Gretel pinching his cheek to see how fattened up he was.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe my mind is warped.

Did anyone else think he was about to be the main course?

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