Monday, September 20, 2010


So this pseudo-doc that's getting some major hype had me confounded. Never one to let things lie (blessing or a curse, depending on the sitch), I googled and found a review that reveals the ending.

I had hoped for more. Maybe I'll get more, if the reviewer is leaving something out. Which I hope he is, because I need another "Baghead" experience soon. Such a good movie. As was "The Puffy Chair". Oh, and let's not forget "Cyrus" which was genius, as is Mark Duplass, whom I'm a bit in love with.

Anyway, I digress. "Catfish" seems to be a set-up for some freak-show, based on the "let's go meet this girl I met online, but let's do it late at night at some creepy back-woods farm and oh, what's in the garage?" scare tactic in the trailer. I never trust trailers, though. But I'm still game for what looks to be a semi-original movie with a creep-out factor.

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