Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sad licks, hot tracks


Got some upsetting news in class last night. The short of it - the internship (downtown crisis hotline) I had originally applied for and told no as it wasn't "face-to-face" hours, well, turns out I COULD HAVE. Which means I would have been able to make my own hours, used the 60 hours of training as actual direct hours, and been 10 minutes from my home. No extra miles on my car, no extra gas $$, no dealing with ridiculous Illinois traffic/construction/drivers/idiocy.

My previous adviser gone done me wrong. He pulled that decision out of some stinky place on his person which we will refrain from mentioning. BIG FAIL.

I could have lived a very happy existence without EVER having known that internship could have been mine.

When I heard this during the beginning of class last night, and the head of the counseling department voiced his true sympathy for me, I had to excuse myself to go and cry a little.

Just a little. But inside, I was pissed/devastated/burning for revenge.

After about a half hour I got over it. It is what it is. Things could be worse. Life is short. But it did rain on my happy parade for a brief moment in time.

After all that, I got up this morning, went spinning, put some concerts on my calendar, and am generally right with the world again. I only have and advisor meeting and one client tonight, after which I will be having myself a nice run OUTSIDE, then off to J's for a tasty beverage on the deck while I get to listen to what criminals he's prosecuting this week. I have to say, we are never at a loss for good convo.

October concerts that I am jazzed about and can actually attend as they don't start until after my counseling sessions end for the night or are on weekends are:

10/1 Pony's @ Off Broadway
10/9 Toasters @ Firebird
10/13 Margot & Nuclear So's @ Firebird
10/14 Nomeansno @ Firebird
10/20 Walkmen/Japandroids @ Off Broadway
10/22 Holy F*ck @ Firebird

Even though I will be running my ass off (literally is the aim here) in prep for some 5k's in Nov/Dec and dealing with my lovely internship, I aim to finish this semester in style.

I've been dreaming of Scotland. A couple hot tracks on my inner turntable are below - enjoy.

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