Monday, December 20, 2010

My smack needs some crack


It's that time of year my lips get a little chappy. A bit chafed. A tad cracky. A smidge flaky. I know...not too appealing.

My lips are at war, and are ready to surrender to the most potent form of lip goo on the market.

The front-runner is Cherry Softlips. It's got a nice taste, kind of tingly (ooh la la), and the packaging is slender and appealing. Fits well in my front pocket or purse, and seems to never run out. Plus, I'm told it tastes good....points for that. The only drawback is that it's not the fastest repair...

The next option is Carmex, or "carwax", which is what we called it back in college. And that's really the reason I like it - because it reminds me of college. It really does wonders, but it resembles earwax and you have to dig your finger into this little pot and smudge it on manually, which is unseemly and unsanitary. But again, points for the college memory.

The final contender, not to be outdone or dismissed, is the tried and true Chapstick. Basic, no frills, does the trick quick. The only drawback is that it reminds me of both my grandma's lips and my ex's lips (they are Chapstick fiends), neither of which I want to be thinking about as I lube up.

What's a girl to do??

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