Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Higher plane

Okay, here's the thing.

Every once in a while, and not as much as I'd like, I get this overwhelming feeling.

It's floaty and grounding at the same time.

It's so overwhelming, it makes me want to drop to my knees and thank who/whatever is responsible for this life of mine.

It's a feeling of exhaultation, of supreme happiness, and I want to embrace the closest thing to me at that very moment. Today it was a steering wheel. Good thing.

This feeling, it makes me want to drive off the highway and fly through the clear air and float on the breeze. Not in a suicidal kind of way, just in a freeing kind of way.

It makes me want to walk up to a stranger, and tell them that their place in this world is felt, it's appreciated, it's important to my existence.

It makes me want to throw back my head, howl at the sky with a wide smile, teeth barred and eyes open.

It makes me want to run - full-out run, create my own wind, suck in the air in great gulps, reach forward with my arms and hands to grab the space before me, and try to catch the future.

I love it when that feeling hits me. It's never preceeded by anything in particular, there's no pattern I can discern. When it hits, it's solid and tangible. And incredibly intoxicating.

So I still had this feeling when I got home. I still had this feeling after I fed and watered the dog.

So I ran.

And the feeling lasted a good, long while.

And it was lovely.

I have since come down, and am enjoying the afterglow - metaphysically and metaphorically. I'm sweaty. I'm spent. And I'm living.

After a rather heady day at work, it was perfect.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really love your writing, keep sharing it.