Friday, October 1, 2010

Rollin... damn glad it's the weekend.

I have this wicked strong craving for at least one of my favorite childhood cereals - Fruit Loops, Corn Pops or Apple Jacks. I don't see the sense in buying a box when all I will eat is one bowl, so I'm thinking of hitting up the local Hampton Inn for a free breakfast... :-)

A little teary as I didn't train enough to do the L&C half marathon. There will be others - I can always set my sights on the Go! event next April, that would give me plenty of time to prepare.

Tonight begins with noshing at Mangia, followed by culture at Mad Art, then it's off to Off-Broadway for a heavy dose of moody pop-rock by The Ponys. A good start to what's going to be a heavy-study weekend. The exit exam looooooooms.

J's off to his alma mater to watch them trounce Ohio this Saturday. I will be watching the Jayhawks game with the sound off while I study. Football is okay, but am counting down the days until B-ball season starts. Rock chalk.

Looking forward to running in the sunshine Sat & Sun mornings. Might try a new loop to Francis and Willmore parks. Long but good run.

Broke down and got the new Eminem album - good beats for running.

Not too impressed with the fall television lineup, with the exception of the Big C - clever writing, great cast. I may just forgo TV altogether once that series ends - my Tivo is bursting with what COULD be delicious fruit flavor but I can't find time to taste that rainbow.

I'll end this snoozer of a blog post with a list of films I want to see:

-Get Low
-Mao's Last Dancer
-The Town
-The Social Network
-Case 39 (spooky)
-Let Me In (remake of Let The Right One In)
-Paranormal Activity
-It's Kind Of A Funny Story
-The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest
-Due Date (Galifinakis)

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