Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A craving for swan

The title has nothing to do with this post - I'm currently re-reading the book by Andrei Codrescu and it sounded good.

Right now I am listening to Piers Faccini (and my loser neighbor badly pound out a baseline to a Chili Peppers tune). I am more moved by his music every time I play it - Piers, that is. The song playing now is "Uncover My Eyes" and it has some Scottish drumming near the end, with what I think might be the underlying sound of breaking waves. Beautiful. I'd like to see him in concert - perhaps I'll jet over to Belfort to attend the Eurockéennes festival. hope is that he drops into the Lou, or somewhere within five hours driving time. I will go that far for him.

I added more movies to my Netflix queue - some I've seen at the theater only but have been jonesing for another look, others will be brand new:

Let The Right One In (seen it)
Gloomy Sunday
The Baader Meinhof Complex (seen it)
(500) Days of Summer (seen it)
Law Abiding Citizen (new, and needed because I haven't gotten my Gerard Butler fix in awhile)

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