Tuesday, February 23, 2010


These are a few things I've discovered in the past week (or so) about myself and the universe:

- I have a friend who really qualifies a best friend. A no questions-asked, shit giving, super fun, she-gets-it realist kind of best friend.

- Nobody makes miso soup the way I like it better than me.

- When you move, make a mental note of where you pack your favorite shoes and razor.

- I like records better when it's dark and rainy outside and I can pretend to be a brooding poet or songstress.

- Bad and good things do not always happen in 3's. They can happen in 4's, 5's and 8's also.

- Drama is as drama does.

- I am not a Facebook lurker. But thanks to technology, I know who is.

- The boogeyman is real, but he's not in my closet or under my bed.

- I would like another dog because I think Oliver needs a sibling. However, it's not going to happen on my watch.

- When describing someone, it's best to use at least three adjectives, therefore lessening what might be though of as an insult when you use just one. :-)

- Eating fruit before you go to bed can help you pull an unwanted all-nighter (natural sugar).

- There is no reality show in the history of reality TV more sad, boring and insipid than The Bachelor. And it only took my 20 minutes to form that opinion...

- I've rediscovered the joys of Lipsmackers. Pink Lemonade, Dr. Pepper, A&W....yum!

1 comment:

Cliff said...

I never even thought of trying to make miso soup. Hope you have one of those little black bowls to slurp it out of.