Monday, February 15, 2010


Watching The Bachelor for the first time.

The last time.

Here is my theory, which I've formed in only 19 minutes of Bachelor-viewing.

THe Bachelor is a lot like Bret Michaels Rock of Love in the following ways:

-one man gets to choose one "special" woman from a harem of "really special" women

-the women compete for the man's attention with their BB's - no, not beauty and brains, but boobs and butts.

-the man is good looking, but lacking in....something.

The Bachelor is not near as good as Bret Michaels Rock Of Love because....

-the women in The Bachelor are boring losers, whereas the girls in BMROL are entertaining losers

-the Bachelor doesn't possess the special talent that Bret Michaels has, which is milking an 80's career for 20+ years, base on one hit song, "Every Rose Has It's Thorn".

So, Bret Michaels ROL wins, hands, butts and boobs down.

BTW - why does Ali always look like she's constipated when she whines which is all the time?

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