Thursday, March 4, 2010


Class was...well, class. Glad that presentation is over. On to the next one. I am enjoying my Grief Therapy class (funny, but yes, learing about grief can be enjoyable with the right professor), but Appraisal of the Individual is just plain wackadoo. Not what I expected at quote some random film somewhere, "Nobody said there'd be any math on this exam". As my closest friends and family know, I can start a fire using flint and twigs better than I can deal with fractions. The government knows this also, as they had to adjust my tax return this year and give me MORE money than I had calculated. Small miracles...

Just finished a monster Tive catch-up session, and feel the better for it. Some highlights:

- love that Pam breastfed the wrong child. Laughed out loud...hard.

- "Quite a collection you've got going". Halloween decorations - who knew? Laughed very loud - love, love, love Modern Family. Makes me want a modern family of my own.

- "Countless..." Priceless.

- I've been to Orange County. I believe the show to be very accurate.

The weekend is looking good. Mama needs a new pair of jeans, so I'll be escorting her to the (shudder) mall. The good thing is, we always have fun, and she will only buy bootcut, cool, non-mom jeans. She's hip like that, because that's how we Dakota-women roll.

Other items on the agenda: study group, Cherokee with a friend, Jimmy's and Celebrate Fitness. All good things, good times, and good people.

Throw in some sun and warmth, and I'm looking at a genuine pre-Spring weekend.

I am jonesing to see the following movies - may try to squeeze in some viewing this weekend:

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