Monday, May 10, 2010

Hell Week (and I'm not even in a Sorority)

This week is going to be a doozy. And I still haven't gotten my sushi. Dammit.

A final Tuesday night, and one more assignement to finish before then. Studying and homework for this will take place tonight.

A retreat at work from 4-7 on Wednesday, at which I'm presenting. I'm looking forward to this, but wish it were scheduled for any other week but this one.

Another final on Thursday night, the tough one. I will be studying for this on Tuesday night after my first final, and Wednesday after work and before I pick up my family at the airport at 11 pm.

Friday I am shopping for a baby shower gift for my cousin Mandy with my mom. That might take all night, depending on what we can find and how tired we are.

Saturday is my cousin Allison's graduation from college (WTH...where does time go?), and then a ParTay at her sister Mandy's house.

Sunday is Mandy's baby shower, and then directly after that is Allison's big graduation party.

I might have to take Monday off, just to recuperate. We'll see.

So dear readers, if you're still with me after many missed days of posts, I will try to pop in sometime this week - but don't count on it.

Wish me well, and if you have my address, please feel free to send me caffeinated tea, sugarless gum or a sexy picture of Colin Ferrell to help see me through the next 7 days.

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