Sunday, May 2, 2010

Movie Review

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Was in the middle of reading this book when the movie came out. Since I can't seem to get through more than three pages without nodding off to sleep, I thought I'd skip ahead and check out the movie.

All in all, it was pretty good. Long - 2.5 hours. And as I continue to read the book, they had to leave a LOT out to get it down to a watchable time. However, they also took creative license, especially with the two rape scenes. The two rape scenes I hadn't yet read. Jeebus. Pretty graphic. Violent enough to make two middle-aged women get up and leave (they eventually came back, I think they stood outside the door and waited to hear when it was over).

The relationship between the Mikael and Erika was barely acknowledged, nor were the feelings Lisbeth had for Mikael towards the end. But again, it would have made it too long.

If you can put up with subtitles, it's a decent flick.

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