Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Passed!

Just got word from the Dean of Counseling that I passed my exit exam. Which means I get to graduate in 6 weeks.

I am surprised. Not because I didn't think I did well. I felt confident about most of the sections on the test.

But there was this one section. Uffta...it was a doozy. Really, I didn't think I passed that section. I'm not being modest here. I was seriously boondoggled, and bummed out.

But, apparently I DO know my stuff. And for that knowledge, I am thankful.

Last week, I was told by a client that I helped save her marriage and her family. I was blown away. Almost cried.

Hearing that made me very happy for her, and also for me, but I stressed that this was her success. She did a lot of the work, outside of our sessions, which was very uncomfortable for her. But she stayed the course and the breakthroughs came, as did the mending in her personal life. Hurrah for her!

As a therapist (in-training), it's important to make sure the client knows that any successes they have with their processing are, by and large, owned by them. If they don't do the work, it doesn't get done. I can only do so much.

Another thing that's fantastic about my internship is that I learn a lot about myself, and have found ways to work through some of my own issues in dealing with clients'.

One client was going through something very similar to what I was, and the "tough love" approach helped her to work through it. I decided to turn it around and use it on myself. And it worked. As painful as it was, holding up that metaphorical mirror and really seeing the issue is a great way to get past it.

And sometimes when that mirror isn't giving you what you need, all may come down to a few simple questions:

1. Am I worth more than this?

2. Would I stand for someone doing this to a person I love?

3. Do I have the ability to rise above and not put up with any more of this bs?

If the answers are yes/no/absolutely, then you're doing well. They were my answers this weekend. So hell yeah...I'm doing well.

Loving life right now. LOVIN IT!

Getting ready to do the Snoopy happy dance. I've got lots to dance about. :-)

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