Monday, October 11, 2010

Movie Review

Saw The Human Centipede this weekend.

It was recommended to me as one of the "best worst horror movies of all time".

I expected it to have terrible acting, a crap plot, and of course poor production quality.

All in all, it wasn't half bad.

Sure, the premise seemed like the machinations of a nerdy 16-year old boy. It was a big gross out. However, the villain was spectacular. Completely creepy, he had the look of a Holocaust survivor and oozed skeeze. The victims were not bad. The set design was kinda cool. And the special effects (stitches, blood, etc.) were good quality.

The one thing that ran through my mind throughout the movie was, "What if they get a cold?".

If you see it, you'll understand why.

It's worth a look if you're bored and in need of some weird Danish cinema.

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