Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Super powers...

So in a previous post I mentioned super powers, which got me thinking...

Were I granted unlimited super powers, I would:

-invent a machine that would take me back in time and allow me to make changes that would positively affect my future, but no one else's. On the short list would be: turn down the two marriage proposals I received & accepted, trained harder in track, tried harder with some, tried less with others.

-take specific qualities, beliefs & attributes (physical, emotional, mental) from certain people I know and roll them like a delicious batch of cookie dough into one very compatible person. I would then proceed to marry this very compatible person and make a bunch of very compatible little people with him. And I would always have two tickets to the gun show. ;-)

-erase inequality, abolish racism, and allow gay marriage

-make cheese, mayo, and anything deep-fried healthy.

-create a job that allowed me to travel as much as I wanted and report back on the fun things I did, the delicious things I ate and the rad people I made friends with.

-populate St. Louis with Taco John's stores so I could get my fill of Potato Ole's and Taco Burgers whenever I flipping feel like it. And it would all be healthy and fat-free.

-fly invisible about the Earth and spy on the evildoings of governments that are out to do harm to others (I guess this might include the U.S. as well), sell my secrets to the other governments which would eradicate death/destruction/war, and then donate the money to my favorite charities (Stray Rescue, ARF, HS, APA, American Lung Association, WWF). Win, win.

-Bring Jimmy Stewart back to life and make him fall in love with me so I could finally say with certainty "It's A Wonderful Life".

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