Monday, December 14, 2009

Civic Duty - bah humbug

I am sitting in jury selection, on the Monday of one of the busiest and fun-filled weeks of work. I am hoping my time here is quick and painless.

Sitting here for hours, having recently finished my new Joyce Carol Oates novel, has lead me to think about intersting ways to pass the time:

1. Download the Law & Order "dun dun" melody and play it from time to to so as to rouse the crowd.

2. Create finger puppets and put on an impromptu reinactment of "12 Angry Men" or "Kramer vs Kramer".

3. Write my memoirs - Plains, Trains and Crusing Main: Dakota Girl

4. Learn Gaelic so that I can order Guinness in it's native language.

5. Finish glueing the text of the ransom letter to Tiger Woods, requesting an undisclosed sum for the safe return of his dignity.


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