Monday, December 28, 2009

Movie reviews

So, I watched two films this holiday weekend that couldn't have been more different, yet both were extremely entertaining works of art (in my opinion):

The Cove
***** (five star fantastic)

I'd read up on this documentary, and expected a decent movie. It delivered, and then some.

To sum it up, the original dolphin trainer from the television show Flipper, Ric O'Barry, decided later on in life that capturing dolphins to supply theme parks was wrong, and with a small group of fellow activists waged war against fishermen in Taiji who hunt, capture, ship and slaughter dolphins for profit.

What impressed me the most was how well it told an actual story - background on Ric, the intelligence of dolphins, the oceanic community, etc. The hunt takes place in a cove on the coast of the city of Taiji, and when it's finally shown (at the end), you've spent over an hour bracing yourself for it and you feel ready because of the tremendous and thoughtful buildup throughout the movie. Not so much. It's disturbing, sad and graphic.

Overall, a well-done film and I could go on and on about but won't. I'll end with - rent it.

**** 1/2 (four and a half star dynomite)

I got this for Christmas and watched it last night. A perfect film for unwinding.

I love Pam Grier - she wasn't half-bad as Coffy, considering the plot, dialogue and snazzy wardrobe. Oh, the wardrobe. Can a man have camel toe? The answer is, yes. This movie has it all - shotguns, dirty cops, heroin, hookers, polyester pantsuits, fro's, blue eyeshadow, weaves with strategically-placed razor blades, a pistol-packin teddy bear, and Sid Haig. Yup - that lovable fellow from Devil's Rejects.

Rent it. You're in for a treat.

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