Sunday, December 6, 2009

Festivus for the rest of us

Festivus - May all your grievances be aired and your feats of strength tested this holiday season. One of my favorite Seinfeld episodes. Ever.

Shortastic weekend. Consisted mainly of working on my two finals. It is a little known fact that take-home finals are decidedly difficult. So now you know, so be warned. I'm four essays into one final with two more essays to go, then it's on to the second final. Uffta.

I did take a break from studies and went out for lunch with a friend to Cooperella, which is my new favorite cafe. Perfect smoothies and the hummus trio plate is delish. We then checked out "An Education" at the Hi-Pointe. Award-worthy? Nope. Good film? Sort of. Rental at the RedBox or Netflix? Most definitely.

I've been slowly adding more music to my iPod, and have dug out some oldies but goodies:

Lemondheads - Lick
Sugarcubes- Life's Too Good
Throwing Muses - Hunkpapa
Richard Thompson - Rumor and Sigh
Ani - Imperfectly

Takes me back to careless college times...

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