Thursday, June 24, 2010

The end of an era...

Edith Shain, the nurse in Alfred Eisenstaedt's iconic photo from V-J Day celebration in Times Square, died today at age 91.

During grad school in my photo-journalism class, we studied photographers such as Eisenstaedt, Margaret Bourke-White, Gordon Parks, and others who'd taken very memorable photos such as this one in the 20th century. This is in my top 10 list of favorite photos of all time. The way he's holding her so tightly around the waist and pulling her in close yet refraining from touching her face, and how she just bends to his will, her left hand keeping close to her skirt maybe in an effort of modesty, is powerful and delicate all at the same time. Wonderful composition - a perfect photo, in my opinion.

All I can say is....ahhhh.

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