Monday, June 28, 2010

Joe Biden, drunken uncle

I'm not a big fan of politics. Well, to be more precise, politicians.

The only politician I do like is the one that Jimmy Stewart played in Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. A fictitious one is the only good one.

From the moment I heard him speak, Joe Biden reminded me of a classic "drunken uncle". You know the one - he turns up at family functions already wasted, mouths off to everyone, sloshes around knocking things over and generally wreaks havoc wherever he goes.

I don't really have a drunk uncle, but I do have a goofy one that shares some traits with Biden, including the white hair.

Not the best choice for VP, in my opinion - Obama's first mistake among many.

1 comment:

Cliff said...

I think he is kind of down to earth for a politician. Hell, he commuted to Washington from Delaware his entire career in the Senate. I get your point from the standpoint that he is a little bit quirky. But interestingly, he does not drink and says he has never had alcohol in his life. In fact at the "beer summit" last year he drank a near beer.