Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good Ol' Days

Taking time out to blog has been a challenge for me. There's much I want to say, but I get caught up in the whirl that is life.

So now that I am here, I wanted to take this time to complain that something very important is missing from my life.

Music videos.

Growing up in the 80's (Yup, I'm that old), we had a cornucopia of music videos to choose from. They were on MTV ALL THE TIME! There was no Hills, or Real World 28, or Elimidate. There was 120 Minutes, which was the most fabulous alternative-rock video showcase on Sunday nights from 10:00 to Midnight. There was Tabitha Soren. There was Kennedy. There was some blonde guy named Mark. There was another guy who looked like John Oates' cousin. They had "Unplugged", which featured artists singing in the studio. It rocked. It was pristine, and soulful, and had heart.

MTV today is an amalgamation of shit. Pure and simple. And there are masses out there eating it up. And that's scary.

So in a small tribute to the early (and best) days of music videos, here are a few of my hands-down faves:

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