Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beginnings and endings

My friend Cheryl died early this morning. And my friends Maggie and Keyvan get married this afternoon.

I've known Cheryl for about a year. She's a very feisty, energetic and warm woman - a rare combination. She's a circler - she rounds people up, and people can't help but surround her.

I didn't see it coming, since I saw her two weeks ago and she was nothing but energy, smiles and laughter. I got to meet her son for the first time, he was in from Chicago to attend a doctors appt. at Siteman with her. We had lunch, and it was really fun.

Then last week she went into the hospital with pneumonia. And now she's gone.

And I'm trying to get ready for what's going to be a fantastic wedding, and am trying hard to think of the positive. Trying but not really succeeding.

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