Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Unfriend? Just hide...

So there's all this talk of "unfriending" on Facebook - reasons to, Jimmy Kimmel declaring an Unfriend Day.

I used to think it was okay to defriend.

But save for a couple "no duh" reason for unfriending (parents, ex's), why would you?

I've hidden those who are Farmville addicts, invite me to EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN, and are Debbie Downers, but from time to time I might check in with them to see what's up.

For the most part, the people who are my Facebook Friends are former & current colleagues, old high school and college friends, classmates, current friends, and professional contacts. I've reconnected with a few people who've been beneficial to my personal growth (I'm talking about you, Syd!). All in all, the people I don't have much, if at all, interaction with aren't doing anything negative by being in my friend list. So I leave them there.

No harm, no foul.

I don't have time to unfriend. I have better and more positive things to do with my time.

And that's my $.02.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hugs and kisses Kristin! (Yeah, it's me...Syd!)