Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th - Old vs. New

The trailer from the original movie (above), circa 1980, was pretty scary for it's time. See how it fares next to the newest version (below):

I hope to be seeing the new movie this weekend. I'm a horror movie fanatic, good or bad, and the last movie that surprised me (in a sinister and not boo kind of way) was The Strangers. Not the best movie, but good use of masks.

I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. I wish that Rob Zombie had a hand in the remake, as he did such a splendid job with Halloween. One can only dream...


Fury said...
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Fury said...

was the biggest fan of nightmare on elm street during my younger days.I used to consider those movies brilliant,such was my taste.
Never actually got around liking friday 13 franchise(and such was my loyalty).:)

Jeff said...

I think the new Friday the 13th looks pretty good. While I really like Rob Zombie movies I only liked the first half of his Halloween. That was original and interesting ,after that it was almost a shot for shot remake. And it's hard to compete with the original. You need to comprise a list of famous actors who were in bad 80s horror films. KEvin BAcon in Friday the 13th, Crispin Glover was in one of them as well, Johnny Depp in NIghtmare on Elm Street...

Kristin said...

Fury: I saw a trailer for Nightmare while babysitting and it ruined me forever.

Jeff: I loved that RZ attempted to go shot-for-shot for at least part of it. The beginning was such a great character build, I agree.

Let's see, Jennifer Maniston was in Leprechaun (more funny than anything), Brooke Shields in Alice Sweet Alice (old and creepy movie). Oh, Dennis Hopper in Chainsaw Massacre II - Bill Mosely was great in that, stole the show.

Maybe I'll comprise a list of good B horror movies.