Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Going Greek

I received an interesting email today in my university account, and am pretty jazzed about it. Thought I'd share.

I just received an invitation to join Chi Sigma Iota, which is the international honor society for professional counselors. I'm almost halfway through with my M.A. in psychological counseling, and have kept up a 4.0 grade average, which is part of the criteria for being invited to join (the other is a nomination from the head of the department).

While I am aiming for a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, having this affiliation sure won't hurt, as there are scholarships, grants, and internships available to members.

I guess it's never too late to go Greek.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! You are a superstar!!! So, are you going to join? TNT

Kristin said...

Thanks! Yup, will take advantage of whatever perks the association will render.