Friday, February 27, 2009

Spring Cleaning

I'm tired, but it's worth it.

I had all sorts of energy last night after class, and stayed up to do a little "spring cleaning" in certain areas of my life.

My first order of business was to trim my friend list on Facebook. I defriended. I'm now down to 94 (was at 144).

I got tired of the constant updates from former acquaintances and classmates who were never really friends to begin with. Yeah, I can choose to see "Less About" these people, but why go through the trouble? We've shared our stories. We're caught up. Cool. Fine. I'm over it. Defriend - I like this word. Sounds harsh, but it's just trimming.

Second, I think it's kind of gross when I see people who have 500+ friends. Seriously??? Are you really friends with all of these people? How do you find the time to breathe, blink or sleep? Collectors. It's an ego boost, to be sure, but also a bit pathetic. I value privacy and human connection, not human collection.


One Crabapple said...

I totally agree! I hate trimming but its got to be done! I smell wht your stepping in ... I'm picking up what your puttin' down... I hear ya cluckin' big chicken...

Now, I bid you ado as I have to check my facebook and see if I made the cut!

Jeff said...

While trimming down your list is certainly fine, I guess it would depend on who your list is mostly comprised of and how active those people are. I have an assload of FB friends, and while I am not friends with all of them, many are acquaintances or ex co-workers. But most of those people don't do a ton of updates, etc so it's not annoying. And I do like to be able to have a way to contact any of these people, since it helps with networking for freelance or crap.

Kristin said...

V-Co, you're a gem, of course you survived the trim.

J, I'm with you on the networking angle, but LinkedIn works fine for me. I am more of the mindset that FB is for keeping the friends and family connection. The fram from folks who didn't fall into either category was just too much to deal with.

Jeff said...

I'm not sold on Linkedin.
Sure I'm on it, but I find it a bit useless.

DoeHands said...

god trimming friend lists on internet networking sites is something I definitely dread. I get sick of doing it when I'm just a few pages into it. Such a pain in the ass, and people get kinda bent out of shape over it sometimes. I pretty much only delete people if they're constantly bombarding you/everyone on their friends list with notes/bulletins and there isn't much other context to how you know them in life.