Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I need a ghost hunter

I am a believer in ghosts. There are weird things that happen every once in awhile that I can't explain - weird noises, whispering, a shadow, my dog looking at the wall inquisitively. I get weirded out when they happen, but don't dwell on the situations.

Monday night/Tuesday morning must have been some kind of spirit uprising, because three people in my family (including me) had unexplainable things happen to them.

I woke up at 11:48 pm on Monday night to some very strange sounds. Whooshing of sorts, but they weren't from any traffic or the weather - they were in my room only. So I laid there for a minute, listening intently to these very unique sounds which only lasted for 10 seconds, and looked around for my dog. He wasn't on the bed, or even in the room. This is a very strange occurance - Oliver NEVER leaves the bedroom at night. So I called loudly for him, several times, and he didn't come to the bedroom. So I got up, and walked out to the hallway which was lit by a nightlight. The ambience in the room was perfect for a ghostly encounter.

So I stood in the hallway and called his name.


I went into the dark front room (Living room, dining room, kitchen), and turned on the light. Oliver was in the middle of the kitchen, sitting there. Doing nothing. Too weird.

So my brother called me the next morning and said that he had something very strange happen to him in the middle of the night. I told him that I had a creepy encounter as well, and told him my story. He went on to say that at 3:30 am, he was woken up by a HUGE bang that came from inside the house. His dog got up also, who sleeps through anything. So, he has an alarm system, which was on. He turned it off and left his bedroom to investigate.


My first through was that a deer may have accidently hit the house. He walked around the house after work and didn't see anything amiss.

THEN, I talked to my aunt, who told me that on Tuesday, she noticed that there was light coming from her daughter's room. Her daughter is married and hasn't lived in the house for years, and neither my aunt nor uncle have cause to go into their daughter's room. She went in and the two lamps, one on either side of the bed, were on. They are touch lamps, each plugged into separate outlets, and each were turned up to the THIRD SETTING.

So, three creepy occurances, all within 24 hours of each other, from members of the same family.

I guess we are a spooky family. Or spooks like us.

Makes life interesting, that is for sure.

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