Friday, November 6, 2009


Last night my building was burgled. Nope, it wasn’t the Hamburglar – that was something I would have welcomed with opened arms and mouth. It was a thief, genuine in nature due to the items now missing from my building’s lobby.

I may have seen one of the thieves. I happened upon a random gentleman last night who was acting weird, asked for a light, and then ran away. Yup, ran away. Truly weird exchange, and gave me the willies. And then I noticed the plasma TV was missing from the wall, among other things.

When I went downstairs this morning at 4:30, more items were missing and the lobby was in shambles.

I’ve always complained about how a key fob is needed to use the elevator – it’s a hassle when you’re having someone over – you have to either send the elevator down to get them, or you go down yourself. I am now very thankful that this security measure is in place. There really wasn’t a way for the burglars to reach my floor unless they had a key or rode up with someone else.

I’ve got mace. It’s always with me – but usually deep down in the bottom of my purse. I’m thinking I need to move it to a more accessible place in the event I need to actually use it.

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