Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend Update

Let's see...what did I do this weekend..

The usual.


Presentation preparation.

The highlight was that I went car shopping with my brother - got to drive my attainable dream car, the 2010 Audi Quattro. The front seats cradle you like a glove from heaven above. I'm not kidding. It's an amazing car.

I saw Two Lovers, which stars Joaquin Phoenix and Gwyneth Paltrow, and it was okay. I'm a fan of JP, and can really watch him in anything. I believe that the last M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie, The Happening, would have been much better if it had starred JP and any other female.

I stayed up late last night and watched the Mad Men finale. Outrageous. The way Don grabbed Betsy like he was going to pound her - a bit shocking. And way to go Peggy, was nice seeing that she finally grew a pair. I will miss this show - not much else to look forward to on Sunday nights. I'll have to find an alternative - salsa dancing, perhaps. Definitely something dangerous and hot, like the show.

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