Monday, November 2, 2009

Hugh Got It

I had a very vivid dream this morning. It probably only lasted for a few minutes, but I sure would like to recreate it in real life, with someone other than who was in my dream.

I dreamt that I was in the beginning of a sloooow make-out session with Hugh Grant.

We were feeling very close to each other as we had just composed a song together. Decided to take our collaboration to then next level, under flannel sheets. The intimacy level was off the charts.

Turns out he has very smooth skin. And is an outrageous kisser.

I won't go on, because to describe it in a way that would do it justice would give this post an X rating.

And yes, I know. Hugh Grant. I think the only reason I dreamt about him was because I had watched a smidgen of "Music & Lyrics" last night while flipping channels (mostly to see Drew Barrymore).

He is kinda hot.

I'd obviously do him.

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