Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Give the sack to Nickelback

I really can't stand this band.

Has to be said. I've held it in too long.

Is it just me, or when you hear a Nickelback song it sounds as if the lead singer is YELLING at you?

I bet that guy doesn't have a "talk" mode, just a "yell" mode.

I would love to see an SNL skit of the lead singer in various normal activities - in line at McDonalds singing/yelling that he wants a Big Mac, making sweet love to his lady and yelling at her, in a business meeting yelling his sales forecasts.

Plus, every damn song sounds the same.

Know what song I kinda like now? "Let Me Be Myself" by 3 Doors Down.


Because it's in the Gieco caveman commercial. Hilarious.

1 comment:

MaggieJoon said...

You know I really liked the first song I heard of theirs seven years ago...the second one was okay too...then I got tired of hearing the same thing over and over in that grating voice. Ugh!