Monday, November 30, 2009


Overall, it was a good holiday. Lots of time spent with my family, relaxing, chatting, noshing – the works.

I did a little Black Friday shopping, nothing too strenuous or stressful, and got one item purchased and out of the way.

The long weekend ended on a moderately heated note, due to a conversation I wasn’t expecting and could have prevented had I been more open back in the Fall about my focus. It wasn’t an argument, but more of a fact-finding mission and clarification.

My problem? Two things – lack of time and my inability to focus on too many things at once.

It got heated for a couple reasons, the first being that it’s the one day of the month I am crabby and over-emotional, which can’t be helped. The other reason is that I had to admit I can’t fit in everything I want to in my life at the moment, but am very hopeful that the next few months will allow some definitive breathing room. Because I really do want to devote some of my time to this person, but need to feel that I have the time to spend because he deserves it (as do I) and not shift my focus from finishing school.

I’m glad it happened, as it cleared the air a bit. And now, at least for me, there is a clear direction moving forward. I’m hoping that he is clear about the direction also, and is still on board.

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