Monday, November 16, 2009


I love it when things like this happen.

I picked up a book a couple weeks ago titled The Worst Hard Time. It's about the dustbowl of the 1930's. I finished reading it on the plane to Seattle today.

I just returned from dinner, and was flipping through channels to find something to lull me to sleep.

I happened upon American Experience on PBS, and guess what the episode was about?

Yup - the dustbowl of the 30's.

What was so exciting was that the documentary showed footage and referenced a few of the people who were prominently discussed in the book such as Hugh Bennet and Bam White, but it also interviewed Bam's son Melt who talked about a specific story thatvwas in the book.

What are the odds I would be reading the book and catch the doc on the same day??

Incredible. I will try to find the meaning after I get some sleep.

Too cool. Life is good.

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