Saturday, January 2, 2010

Movie Review

The first movie I saw in 2010 was Up In The Air. Great beginning, really depressing and terrible ending. My advice is, don't bother. If you must, Netflix or Redbox it - and if you have to see it in the theater, go to a matinee. Seriously. My friend TG warned me about it, and I should have listened, but my infatuation with all things Clooney won out.

George Clooney is great - it's a good role for him, and he's of course eye candy to the nth degree.

Vera Farmiga is always lovely to watch - however, I think she hit up the Botox or filler. Her lips look weird, and her face is puffy and lineless.

The scenes at the Cheshire and Fox & Hound were bittersweet, for a couple reasons. I got engaged there on NYE in 2004, and it would have been fitting to see Mark Pollman behind the bar doling out his eclectic advice. I really miss him.

The multiple shots of Lambert made me laugh - I heard that they filmed so much of the movie here because there was NEVER ANYONE IN THE AIRPORT. Great - that kind of press St. Louis doesn't need.

All in all, a let down. I don't believe the movie deserves any nominations, but Clooney and Farmiga might.

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