Saturday, January 16, 2010

Movie Review

Saw Youth In Revolt last night - surprisingly funny. First off, Michael Cera almost pulled off his alter-ego Francois, but I doubt he could act like a real bad-ass if a gun was put to his head...he just doesn't have the range. But that's why I like him - I imagine that all of his roles are very true to the actual person he is. Likeable, nerdy, and quirky.

The movie had some great dialogue, and came across as a Wes Anderson knock-off but not as good. It's like it was trying to be a close cousin to Rushmore or Tenenbaums. It definitely made me want to read the books the movie was based off of.

It cost $18 million to make, and has only grossed $7 million thus far. There are a couple of transitions that were created with animation and stop-motion, wondering how much of the budget went into those?

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