Saturday, January 23, 2010


The pic is from the Soulard Market - yes, the STILL have coon.

The weekend started off with a bang - or several, if you count numerous pins smashing against the back wall due to my super-awesome bowling moves. Finished with a triple digit score - not the highest but better than I usually do.

So far, managed to escape the soft salvation that is my bed and hit up Soulard, City Diner for lunch, errands, and now settling in for some painting. Tonight's agenda includes fun on Cherokee, a reception at WF gallery, and whatever else pops up.

Some songs that started off this much-needed weekend:

Scout Niblett - Kings
Forgotten Rebels - Wasted
Geza X - Alternation
Briefs - 40 and above

1 comment:

Cliff said...

I wonder if it tastes like chicken.