Thursday, January 15, 2009

70's Saturday Morning Fun

Since I've been strolling down memory lane with Burger Chef, Streets of Fire and the Stains, I thought back to how much I looked forward to Saturday morning cartoons. I did a little search, and came up with some of my favorite shows from 1976:

Isis - What I do remember about Isis were her wicked cool lace-up sandels, her shiny crown and that cool amulet/necklace that gave her special powers. From mild-mannered science teacher to superhero, she was what I aspired to be for Halloween.

Electra Woman and DynaGirl - So much fun!! It was like Batman and Robin but with better hairstyles and accessories. I believe I played this out in my backyard with the neighborhood girls - I was always Electra Woman. Natch.

Land Of The Lost
- Ahh!!!! So good. Chaka - I always wanted a little paleolithic buddy. Will, Holly, Marshall, the Sleestacks, and the T-Rex always bugging them at the entrance to the cave. Why don't they make shows like this anymore?

Then in 1977, you had shows like Bigfoot and Wildboy, Grape Ape, JabberJaws.

And finally in 1978, the Bay City Rollers brought their feathered good looks and Rock 'n Roll Love Letter to you. The best lyric from that song? "I'm gonna keep on rock and rollin' till my jeans explode." Jeez....what could that mean? I believe I ran around the house singing this - dirty even back then.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Do you remember the prime time Saturday morning cartoon preview that would be done for the upcoming season? It was always so exciting. There is something I hate that kid specific entertainment is on 24/7. I think the lack of it and being forced to watch real movies is what got me my love of movies from a young age. I couldn't imagine a kid watching The Good, The Bad and the Ugly today. But I watched it twice in one week when I was in 4th grade.