Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"My dear guests, I am Mr. Roarke, your host. Welcome to Fantasy Island."

R.I.P. Ricardo Montalban passed away today at age 88. When I was little, I would watch Fantasy Island and I thought he was so debonair. Some of those plotlines were way too scary for a little kid - I remember there was a Jack The Ripper episode, I probably shouldn't have seen it but it was usually a pretty benign show.

He was pretty good in the Star Trek movie as Kahn. The bug in the ear thing, with the blood, was creepy. That's about all I remember, not much of a sci-fi fan at that age (um, or now either).

I keep thinking that maybe he showed up in one of the many 007 movies...either way, his passing just makes me feel a little bit older.

Farewell, Mr. Roarke.


MaggieJoon said...

Oh my gosh...I remember the ear-in-the-bug thing because I was really young and it gave me nightmares. Seriously, like for weeks!


Still can't think about it.

Jeff said...

And he was in Escape from the planet of the apes.