Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday fun, Saturday cravings

These are some of the fun & interesting things I experienced last night:

1. A lengthy discussion on duality as it pertains to the human condition, and how now is the time to stake your individual directive, remain true to your stance, and expose it to the masses. Because every idea is just a dart thrown randomly at a board, it comes down to how hard you fight to prove you're closest to the bullseye.

2. Jam Band man at rock show, earring intact, doing his crazy beautiful dance to the ripping, soul-shaking cacophony that was Tok.

3. NYC-based band Lissy Trullie, out of tune and out of sight, a mash up of Syd Barrett, Chrissie Hynde and channeling Lou Reed circa 1977.

4. Dredge is the last swallow or two of beer in a glass, which should then be added to a new pint to make it whole. Thanks John - what would I do without you?

Things that I desire/need/wish/hope to have today are:

1. Large cup of chai tea latte or jasmine tea (doable)

2. Fresh mini-cini donuts from the Asian lady at Soulard Market (she hasn't been there in weeks, chances are slim)

3. Monkey House (this will happen....)

4. Reflexology (doubtful, unless it's self-applied)

5. A nap with the pup (definitely)

6. A snuggie (according to Jeff, they are on I guess I'll have to muddle through with my cumbersome, ineffectual square blanket)

7. Pad Ped w/crispy spring rolls


MaggieJoon said...

But where will you see the monkeys at? The zoo?!?

Anonymous said...

"Ineffectually square blanket," LOL! I like your tone and attitude. That and I'm married to a current lawyer :) aimClear