Saturday, May 16, 2009


Great morning already. Don't I look sweaty and unnaturally intense? :-)

Was at FP by 6 - hardly anyone in sight. There was a bootcamp in progress by the Muny, and Bark In The Park is setting up, but I never ran into anyone on my route. Except a homeless guy sitting by the stream.

Finished my run at 6:30, ran over to Soulard Market, picked up some fruits and veggies, then headed over to a friends for a quick breakfast. He got in at 3:00, and was trying to decide if he was still inebriated or hungover.

I beat the rain - hah!! Thought I might get caught in an errant shower, but dodged that bullet.

I am still crabby, though. Not a constant, just comes in waves. Hoping to shake it off soon.

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