Monday, May 11, 2009

Kinda Crazy

Here I go a rambling...

So I just found out I missed Asobi Seksu and Stella Mora play at the Firebird this past Saturday. I'm upset. I guess I need to keep my ears/eyes open to the Lou music scene.

I did manage to watch the movie "What We Do Is Secret", which is a splendid biopic about Darby Crash and his punk band The Germs. Shane West plays Darby. For someone I consider such a lightweight, I have to give him kudos for taking on a brooding punk icon. I thought he did a great job. I really didn't expect much, and was very satisfied by the end. Also, I kept thinking I was watching my old high school pal, David Strommen - at times, Shane West would give the screen a look that so closely resembled David it was darn spooky. In a good way!

The Living Things are playing at Off Broadway tonight - might be a good show. Tix are only a ten spot.

I spilled my juice in my elevator. Oliver got a bit of a treat as I ran for the paper towels.

After much contemplation, I have made a big decision. Weighed the pro's, the con's. Considering all of the pro's, it was still a difficult decision. I will blog more when the puzzle is complete.

I ran two miles today. Countdown to Tiger Tri is 14 weeks, Lewis & Clark Half is 18 weeks. I wish I had a dog to run with me - I asked Oliver and he said, "Hell no!".

I burned my hand in the oven. Again. I now have a small raised welt on the top of my right pinky and ring fingers. I am officially cordoning off the oven with crime scene tape until I learn the basic rule of heat = burn. The half-moon scar on the top of my right hand is now a nice shade of pale pink, but the apostrophe-shaped burn on my left thumb still looks medium-rare.

A carton of 18 eggs at Walmart is only $1.66. I bought five. BFL.

Tonight I will be studying for my finals, and on breaks will be watching the House of Mirth, staring Gillian Anderson of X-Files fame. My ex calls these types of movies "frilly vag" or "scrumpets and teetle" movies. He can suck it, because they rock.

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