Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I've made some recent commitments, and am happy and terrified all at the same time.

One is a half-marathon. This takes place in September, so I have 18 weeks until d-day. This is a huge undertaking for someone who does not like running, and the furthest I've run is 8 miles, grudgingly all the way. Never did reach that elusive "runners high". I've experienced the high, but only during sprint triathlons. It's a good feeling. I want that again. But even if I don't, I will be happy to have this experience under my belt.

Another commitment is to accept a job offer that is, for all intents and purposes, a seemingly perfect fit. Outstanding benefits (4-weeks vacation, great health insurance, bonuses), very close to home, good salary, and challenging yet familiar. It's something I've been on the lookout for, and I had to jump on it, which meant leaving my most recent position. The extraction was amicable, and I have nothing but good things to say about my most recent employer. But with all new opportunities, you really don't know if it's a good fit until you get in there and start. So, I'm hoping for the best.

I've also committed to taking two classes this summer semester, which will feel like full-time. The Spring semester ends TOMORROW (yay!), and it's been tough. Tough due to the training, tests and schoolwork, but also because I was meeting with local universities to determine the best PhD program that matches my goals. I had also been doing a lot of reading outside of class to broaden my perspective on specific therapies (sex, PTSD, industrial/organizational). The summer semester is going to be killer, and I have designed a very strict schedule for June/July in order to devote enough time for studying, training, and sleeping. My ex has stepped up (as always) and will be taking Oliver for two days a week so I can take classes, and the pup gets the attention he deserves.

What I'm really looking forward to is August. No class, my mom is coming to visit, a 5k with my friend Margaret, and a trip to Chicago. But until then, it's head-down, blinders on, focus, determination, and activity.


MaggieJoon said...

Oh my gosh, you're doing a half-marathon?! That's craziness man! I'm sweating the 5k lol. Did I just write "lol"? I'm such a teenager.

You can totally do it - the classes AND the half-mar. And congrats on the job!!

Kristin said...

Well, our 5k's will help for sure. I don't care how long it takes to finish, crossing that line is my only goal. It's a new add to my dirt-nap list, and I'd like it checked off before I turn 40.

Thanks about the job - I'll send you an email to fill you in properly.

lol - i think teens are using new language, we adults have adopted this abbreviation, among others. When I see Keith Olberman airing a segment called "WTF?", I know it's jumped the shark.