Saturday, May 9, 2009

Oliver Got His Herr Did

Oliver was looking a bit scraggly. Well, more than a bit. A lot. I let his winter coat grow, and grow, and grow. And now that it's getting warm out, it was time for a haircut.

I took him to a new groomer, the 12th Street Animal Hospital on Tucker and 12th, which used is the old Creepy Crawl location. Since Oliver has a punk rock soul (feisty, a real pal to his mates, and is pretty against authority), I thought it was a fitting venue, even if it's changed.

He wanted a mohawk, but he came to the conclusion that it's not about what you look like that makes you a punker - it's all in the attitude. So he want balls to the wall and took it all off.

Here he is before:

And here he is today:

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