Friday, May 22, 2009

Hot Diggity - CONCERTS!!!!!!!!!!

Just when I thought my summer was looking low in the concert department, I stumbled upon two of my favorite artists that are comin' to town:

Greg Laswell (7/25, BBH)

Dar Williams (8/18, BBH)

Both performers are soulful performers, such a joy to watch and listen to. I've seen Dar, and it's like watching your best friend on stage...I can only imagine what it will be like to see Greg live. Probably amazing.

So excited...beyond happy. Add these to Rancid/Riverboat Gamblers & Gogol Bordello, and my summer looks a bit better in the concert department. I will be finishing with my classes around those dates, so all the more reason to celebrate.

This has been the best music-related week of 2009. And the best is yet to come!

1 comment:

Cliff said...

Now, that's eclectic--Rancid and Dar Williams.