Monday, April 27, 2009

A few things...

First, a shameless plug for the Match Me Up blog.

Go here for the latest dating adventure, in all it's hairy glory. This blog is morphing into something bigger than I expected, better even, and the new heights I hope it to reach seem within my grasp. Time will tell - so read it while it's free. :-)

I am having those restless nights again - something is pressing on my psyche which permeates my REM cycle and doesn't allow me the needed Z's for next-day optimization. I had the weirdest dreams - one was a mix of my dog and a scene from the latest installment of The Real Housewives of New York (talk about a mash gone bad). Maybe I'll post that's too fresh and raw to see in print just yet.

I had a meeting today with a fellow writer/creative/comic lover, and plans are in the works for great things. I do enjoy getting to know new people who inspire, encourage, and see the world from similar points of view. Makes the daily grind not so grounding.

Got back to the office, caught up on emails, reached out to a few contacts, and missed a meeting. No biggee, I didn't need to be there and I spent the time in a much better way.

The week ahead is jam packed with meetings, both at work and for outside endeavors. Busy weeks equal faster workdays, which equal sooner weekends. I like.

I get to hang out with my new neighbor on Wednesday night, at a little "get ta know ya" courtesy of my friend Candace. I'm really looking forward to it - I've met him in passing, had quick but very informative conversation, and I know I've only scraped the surface. More than ready to dig in.

I've decided to really delve into this kickboxing "kick" I'm on now. Two classes a week, with a pilates thrown in for good measure every other week, on top of my spinning, swimming and running prep for the late-summer tri should be sufficient for getting in fighting form. Or it just may kill me.

Stay tuned....

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