Saturday, April 25, 2009

Getting Lucky

I got lucky this morning.

It was so gratifying. I thought I might get it last night. At least I got it this morning. Getting lucky on a Saturday morning makes for a good start to the weekend!

I don't know what's better, getting lucky in the morning, or after a long day at work, or on the weekend. I guess I shouldn't be so picky - I should be glad to get lucky at all!!

When I get lucky, there's always a surprising element to it. Something fresh, new, and usually full of many things that I needed but didn't know it.

And the satisfaction you feel. Relief. Pure pleasure. With every glance, you just get lost in the moment.

It took over two hours to get through today. Two hours of incredible fun - started in bed, then moved to the couch, then after a long drink of water (I was parched!) ended up finishing at the kitchen table.

Getting lucky is something I look forward to daily, but it usually only happens once or twice a month. And even though I know this, I still open my eyes every morning with a hopeful smile and think, "Will I be getting lucky today?"

I know, a month is a long time to go between getting lucky, but once you get it, you realize it's worth the wait.


You do know what I'm talking about, don't you?

Oh. Sorry.

I guess I need to be more specific.

And use the proper spelling.

Let me start over........

I got Lucky this morning.

1 comment:

DoeHands said...

that was a dirty trick. but it made me chuckle.